Pre-implementation analysis for eCommerce - what is it and why should it be conducted?


Pre-implementation analysis for eCommerce - what is it and why should it be conducted?

Building an online store is a complex undertaking. In order to implement it properly, it is necessary to carefully prepare a plan for future activities. This is made possible by a pre-implementation analysis, which is carried out with the project contractor. What does it consist of and what advantages does it have?

What is a pre-implementation analysis?

Pre-implementation analysis in eCommerce is used to prepare for the development of a new store or to carry out a migration of an existing solution. It begins with a workshop to discuss the vision and functionalities of the system, as well as the processes to be used in it. The contractor also acquires information about the ordering party's customers, gathering industry insights.


Preparation of Pre-Implementation Analysis documentation

Based on the workshop, the software house creates the system specification. Low-detail (lo-fi) interactive mock-ups are also built, which show the appearance of the future solution in a simplified way. The customer can check if they are in line with his vision of the product.

After the client accepts the specifications, the contractor prices the project. He also sets priorities for action. This serves to determine what elements the MVP (Minimum Viable Product, about which in the next section) should have.

Of course, the client can provide the contractor with an already finished specification. Even if it is elaborate and refined, it is worth conducting a design workshop. It is important to remember that the software house plays the role not only of a contractor, but also of a consultant. It can evaluate the specification on the basis of its own experience and know-how, which will often allow it to verify the solutions proposed by the client and propose the optimal solution.

A pre-implementation analysis doesn't always have to lead to the construction or migration of a store. Sometimes it results in the identification of other more pressing needs in the organization, such as automation and digitization of processes.

Then, before building an eCommerce system, the contractor can look into implementing solutions that will prepare the company for e-commerce. This could include an order automation system (OMS) or a PIM.

Behind the success of the implementation analysis is the involvement of the developer's team. On his side, a person responsible for the project, such as a Product Owner or eCommerce Project Manager, must be appointed. Her job will be to verify the contractor's assumptions against the company's realities, which the software house may not be fully aware of. 

The company should also be ready for the fact that the software house may offer to consult with its employees. Often, it is necessary to know the specifics of the work of those responsible for the processes in question in order to handle their implementation well.


Preparatory and implementation work

Why conduct a pre-implementation analysis?

Without a pre-implementation analysis, it is very difficult to prepare for the work of building or migrating a store. The contractor needs to know the client's needs in order to propose appropriate solutions. 

The most important objectives of the pre-implementation analysis are:

  • creation of MVP version of the system

    A Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a version of a product that does not yet have all the functionality included in the specification. Those implemented, however, are sufficient to meet basic user needs. The system works properly and allows customers to make purchases.

    Why not implement a product with all the target functionalities right away? First of all, the MVP is released to the market earlier. Each week of sales means concrete profits for the ordering party. Besides, if the client's offer is unique, the risk of being overtaken by competitors with a similar proposal is reduced. In the case of a new site, at the same time it is already starting to position itself.

    In addition, MVP allows you to study the behavior of your store's customers and collect their feedback. This is a great way to test a product on a large group of users. This will be a kind of large-scale study, the results of which may prove more valuable than prototype testing, because concerning an already working product, and not just a mock-up, for example. This will help improve it before the release of the final version.

    In the case of system migrations, the MVP version allows you to conduct Friends&Family tests (friendly companies, regular buyers). They allow you to verify the operation of the store before the final migration based on the behavior of real users.

  • Avoiding implementation errors

    Conducting a project without analysis makes it possible to fail to anticipate many elements, to design them incorrectly, or to create conflicts with other elements of the system. There is also a risk of implementing unnecessary functionality whose tasks are already fulfilled by other existing functionalities in the organization.

  • Defining the sense of implementation of the elements expected by the customer

    It may turn out that the functionalities suggested by the customer are not necessary for the product to be fully usable already. Some of them can be implemented during the period of further development of the store, as spending time on them would unnecessarily prolong development.

    The contractor is also able to estimate what the customer's benefit will be from certain functionalities and compare this with the cost of producing them. It happens that the implementation of selected solutions requires so much time and work that they become unprofitable. Then it is best to abandon them and save money.

Pre-implementation Analysis - next steps

Why not pursue a store implementation without analysis?

  • Increase in implementation costs

    A well-conducted pre-implementation analysis can significantly reduce development costs. Thanks to the fact that the client consults his idea with the software house, he has a chance to verify the original assumptions. Some of the functionalities proposed by him may turn out to be unprofitable or unnecessary, for example, and their exclusion at the pre-implementation analysis stage leads to savings in the work budget. 

    Without the development of an MVP and with all the original assumptions, the project will also be implemented later. The investor will thus lose potential revenue. There will also be no chance for additional testing of the solution with users.

  • Risk of misunderstandings

    Before starting the project, the contractor should fully understand the customer's requirements. Otherwise, the shape of the product may deviate from his vision. It will also not sufficiently match the organization's realities, as the software house will not get a chance to get to know them well.

How do we conduct a pre-implementation analysis at Cognize?

  1. Design workshops

    Workshops last 1-2 business days and are held at the client's premises. Prior to the workshop, we define with the client which stakeholders should be present at the meeting (usually management, IT, sales and logistics managers or electronic sales people).

    Sample Workshop Plan

    • Discuss how to implement the tasks set for the new system.

    • Discuss the long-term vision for the system.

    • Planned functionalities, their scopes and priorities.

    • Identify user roles in the system and their needs.

    • Deciding which main processes are to be carried out by the system.

    • Detailed discussion of the most important processes defined before the workshop.

    • Gather industry insights for system design (analysis of end-user behavior of the system).

  2. Specification stage

    • Preparation of specifications / implementation documentation describing the most important issues from the perspective of e-commerce system implementation. However, it can be dynamically modified later if, for example, there are changes in the assumptions. 

    • Conducting in parallel a series of short online workshops clarifying selected issues.

    • Create low-detail (lo-fi) mockups showing the most important views of the designed system.

    • With an extensive organization, it is common to conduct consultations with people in the company who will work or are working on processes related to online sales. 

  3. MVP definition and pricing stage

    • Project pricing.

    • Definition of priorities.

    • Confront pricing and priorities with the client and determine the MVP.

The process of identifying the scope and budget of the project and the Pre-Implementation Analysis

Pre-implementation analysis - always worth it

At Cognize, we consider pre-implementation analysis to be an extremely important (if not essential) part of project work. Keep in mind, at the same time, that the decision to conduct it with us does not imply a commitment for you to work together on building the system. 

Analysis is a good way to draw up a complete product specification and evaluate its budget. If you decide that creating an eCommerce solution or migrating it at the moment is beyond your company's capabilities, you can abandon the project. However, you will know what kind of resources it requires and perhaps you will return to it in some time.

With the analysis in your possession, you also have the chance to make inquiries to other contractors. In this way you will compare prices for implementing a product with exactly the same specifications. This wouldn't be possible if you couldn't provide companies with precise project assumptions.

So, if you are thinking about an eCommerce project, we strongly recommend that you conduct a pre-implementation analysis. Working on it with Cognize, you will benefit from the know-how of experienced industry professionals. You will consult your idea and find out what the optimal shape of the idea should be and what the budget for the activities will be.


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