The only
e-commerce / B2B Open-SaaS system on the market.

Start selling online B2B/B2C in 4 weeks!

The most flexible B2B / B2C sales system on the market.

Learn more features of Open-SaaS that will reassure you that Sellina is the most flexible e-commerce system on the market.

Experience the Open-Saas solution even better!

Sellina is a complete B2B/B2C eCommerce system, allowing unlimited customization for business, launch in a few weeks and lower cost compared to alternative solutions.

What benefits does Sellina bring to your business?

Fast store performance and improved UX = more sales

Basing the store frontend on Headless technology means that the user will experience a very fast store. Store migrations we've done to this technology have seen a 29% increase in conversion rate.

Freedom to tailor the store to your business model

Basing the store engine on Magento 2 means that we can customize the store to your needs freely and without restrictions. This applies in particular to functionalities related to B2B trade, configurator implementations or dedicated integrations.

The combination of these features makes us challenge other solutions on the market by claiming that Sellina is the best system for B2B/B2C trading.

Short implementation time
(4 weeks)

It takes 4 weeks to implement the base version of the store to launch sales. Note, however, that optional integrations (e.g. with an ERP system) or expansion of the store with dedicated functionalities require estimation.

More than ⅓ lower cost
of implementation than similar solutions based
on Magento 2

For a Magento 2 system tied to Headless technology that guarantees analogous performance capabilities - the cost of implementation is at least ⅓ lower than analogous solutions on the market. This is due to the fact that we offer the base store as an "out-of-the-box" solution, so we were able to reduce the cost of its implementation for a larger customer base.

Freedom of contractor selection (no Vendor-Lock)

The license agreement we provide allows you to change contractors without restriction, and the system documentation we provide and the use of popular technologies (Magento 2 and React) make it significantly easier to implement a new team than in competing solutions.

Expanded store base comes with a guarantee

The base version of Sellina is a powerful e-commerce system. We provide it with a warranty, which you can extend indefinitely.

He wants to get to know Selline even better!

The only
on the market.

What features of Sellin's system make it the best
B2B/B2C trading system?

The only Open-SaaS on the Polish market.
How did we achieve this?

We created a solution that was not possible before. The combination of our experience in implementing Magento 2, the Headless application created, and a liberal licensing policy - enabled us to create a product that is a fusion of Open Source and Out-of-the-Box (SaaS) solutions.

The result is a system that combines the benefits of open source and SaaS systems.

SaaS features in Sellin's system:

  • A headless store frontend, written in React - one of the two most popular frontend languages in the world.

  • API based on the Platform API framework.

  • Default infrastructure configuration.

Benefits of SaaS features:

  • The lowest implementation costs in this class of e-commerce systems,

  • warranty,

  • short implementation time,

  • A large base of functionality to boot.

Open source features in Sellin's system:

Backend system based on Magento 2 engine, the most popular open source e-commerce system, providing unlimited development possibilities and able to handle high traffic, extensive product catalogs, or advanced functionality expansion.

Benefits of Open Source:

  • independence - no Vendor Lock,

  • unlimited possibilities for customization and development,

  • The execution of any integrations.

E-commerce solution
B2B and B2C

A system that combines the functionality of B2B and traditional B2C e-commerce systems.

Sellina allows the implementation of any functionality serving B2B and B2C customers, among others:

  • Sales to distributors and business customers,

  • dedicated price lists,

  • trade credits,

  • other dedicated functionalities.

We combine the best technologies

Combination of two best backend and frontend technologies: Magento + Headless.

Sellina is a combination of Magento 2 on the backend and Headless on the frontend. The result? Sellina's system is more efficient, faster and safer, and its development is easier than solutions with equivalent capabilities.

Magento as a backend system

A backend system based on Magento 2 engine, the most efficient and popular open source system available on the market.

Benefits of using Magento:

  • Any expansion and changes to fit the business,

  • The execution of any integrations,

  • An extensive community of developers and users developing the system, numbering more than 300,000,

  • More than 5,660 plug-ins, 

  • high store performance,

  • the flexibility to expand the system as the needs of the company grow.

Headless frontend

  • A headless store frontend, written in React - one of the two most popular frontend languages in the world.

  • API based on the Platform API framework.

  • Default infrastructure configuration.

Benefits of Headless Solutions:

  • Fast and smooth application performance,

  • High level of data security,

  • Popular programming language (easy to introduce newcomers to development),

  • Ability to create multiple sites on a single product base.

Application integrations.

We implemented online stores based on Magento 2, which we integrated with Comarch Optima, Comarch XL, PIM Akeneo, SAP, Streamsoft Prestiż, Subiekt, WF-Mag, among others.

Integration with ERP - intermediary base

The biggest challenge is connecting the e-commerce platform with the ERP system. The off-the-shelf plug-ins used, or integrations through APIs implemented by ERP integrators, in practice give rise to delays and data transfer problems. 

Facilitating this process, which breeds savings, speeds up and simplifies the task for the integrator - is the use of an intermediary database (the so-called data bus). This is an external database to which we send key data from Sellina, and thanks to its simple structure and good documentation, integration with ERP goes much more easily and smoothly.

PIM (optional)

PIM Akeneo is an innovative, free solution that allows you to digitize your product database in one place, take care of the timeliness and amount of product information presented, and synchronize the whole thing with other company systems.

It is an optional add-on that most customers who want to ensure the best possible maintenance of their product base choose to implement.

Want to get to know Selline even better?
Get in touch with Michal.

Other integrations

Integrations with applications:
We have implemented online stores that we have integrated with Comarch Optima, Comarch XL, PIM Akeneo, SAP, Streamsoft Prestiż, Subiekt, WF-Mag, among others.

Logos Integrations

Integrations with external systems:
In addition, we have performed dozens of integrations with external systems. We easily handle communication using REST API, SOAP, exchange of XML, CSV files, downloading data from FTP, SFTP, or retrieving data from attachments found in emails.

We are fully flexible. Depending on your needs, we will advise you on the optimal solution for your company.

Learn about our selected implementations of the Sellin system:

Kosmos Sklep - eCommerce of Burton's main distributor in Poland (Magento 2).

Central and Eastern Europe's largest distributor of Burton, the largest snowboard brand in the world.

KOSMOS had an online store, but its metrics due to, among other things, the lack of a responsive version were unsatisfactory to the client. The image of the store also clearly stood out from the market, and the store platform did not meet expectations.

  • -70% faster page load time

  • +128% higher conversion rate on mobile devices

  • +29% higher overall conversion rate

LibertyMotostore + Liberty Rental + Liberty Motors + AirBike

The challenge in the Liberty Motors project was to expand the omnichannel model, improve lead processing and embed the online store into the visual ecosystem of offline sales. We used Headless architecture + Magento 2 engine, which became Master Data Source, and introduced a number of dedicated solutions.

  • High store performance - high sales ratios

  • All based on a single product base

  • Open source no vendor-lock

Do you have questions? Would you like to learn more about the offer?
Contact Michal.


Learn the answers to the most frequently asked questions:

  • You may hear the offer as early as the second phone call. Nevertheless, practice has taught us that in some cases it is necessary to prepare a pre-implementation analysis to present an offer. The time for its execution is about 6 weeks.

  • To start, you get a B2B/B2C e-commerce system, for which you can schedule a demonstration by clicking here. As part of the implementation, we help you adapt your existing systems and the links between them (e.g. ERP, marketing automation, PIM, etc.) to the new system.

  • A basic version can be created in as little as 4 weeks. If the project has complex requirements, it may require a workshop with the client or a detailed pre-implementation analysis (about 6 weeks). In such a case, the process needed for implementation may extend significantly.

  • The warranty is included in the price, for the first period after implementation. From a certain point on, the warranty is optional, billed on a subscription basis, and covers all elements of the system that have not been modified for your individual needs.

  • Magento Upgrade depends on the type of upgrade. Magento versions have a model form: 2.4.6.-p1, where:

    2 - number indicating MAJOR change

    4 - number indicating the change of MINOR

    6 - number specifying the PATCH change

    p1 - number indicating SECURITY change

    MAJOR change is a version that appears once every 10 years. If there is an update here, we are talking about a different Magento. Only 2 versions have been created so far (over the 15-18 years of the system's existence).

    MINOR changes occur every 2-4 years or so.

    PATCH changes are about twice a year.

    SECURITY changes occur 2-4 times a year.

    General pricing for Magento upgrade (for version without additional modules):

    MAJOR Upgrade - brand new online store requiring changes to the entire system. Means individual pricing.

    MINOR Upgrade - 20h BackEnd + 10h FrontEnd + 10h Tests.

    Upgrade PATCH - 10h BackEnd + 4h FrontEnd + 10h Tests

    Upgrade SECURITY - 10h BackEnd + 4h FrontEnd + 4h Tests

    The above quotes are only possible if the client is updating the store on a regular basis and the update is only by 1 specific version. Updating by more versions than 1 version requires an individual quote.

    It may happen that the client has a large number of third-party modules implemented in his store. Then we price such an update individually, because the modules may not be compatible and there will be a need to update them.

  • There are no restrictions related to the choice of contractor - the license, which is paid by the customer, allows it. In addition, our system has appropriate documentation and is created using popular technologies, so there is no risk of so-called "Vendor Lock":

  • We transfer copyrights only in the case of dedicated functionality. In any other case, the transfer of rights does not apply, while the license entitles you, among other things, to develop the system yourself.

  • We transfer copyrights to your company when developing dedicated solutions.

  • The valorization is due to three aspects:

    First - it is to compensate for inflation, and this element is a component of valorization, which has its origin in market data.

    Second - rates in the IT market are rising, meaning a person with similar competencies earns more and more each year. This also contributes to the annual valorization of rates.

    Third - it is advantageous for our clients to maintain a permanent team - to have the same specialists who created the service develop it. They know it best, so they need less time for each task - maintenance or development. They also don't need extra time to implement the project. These specialists receive raises every year in our team, so the valorization of rates is a reflection of these raises. If it weren't for the valorization of these rates, we would be handing over the project internally every year to specialists a year less experienced.

  • Our additional activities come down to support:

    • In strategy creation,

    • branding,

    • process optimization,

    • Optimization of systems architecture,

    • infrastructure maintenance,

    • UX and interface design,

    • Creating a competence matrix of e-commercial and peri-e-commercial teams,

    • audits.

    We do not implement:

    • SEO activities,

    • operational marketing activities.

    Nevertheless, we support in the evaluation of the agency to be responsible for these areas, if necessary.

  • Fixed Price settlement is a settlement in a specific amount, scope and time. These are tasks that are additionally covered. Due to the fact that we define rigidly their price - we must also define rigidly their scope. This gives rise to two consequences.

    First - any changes in scope mean re-estimating and changing the settlement amount or having to pay additional costs for such changes.

    Second - at the time of bidding such a task, we need to know the exact scope of the task, and this is impossible for many tasks. An example of not answering all the questions about the course of a task is the implementation of functionalities concerning integration with external systems, using external modules, where we do not know what surprises we will encounter. One of the solutions we use in such cases is the implementation of a larger or smaller analysis prior to the execution of the task, which helps answer possible questions and thus enables us to offer the task in the Fixed Price model.

    Time and Material settlements are tasks in which we account for time worked. Of course, we use estimation prior to the execution of such a task. Nevertheless, we do not know the exact scope of the task in such cases. This is due to objective, external factors such as the need for integration with external systems, using external modules in which we do not know what surprises we will encounter, or concerning functionalities whose logic we have yet to work out with the client.

  • Bug fixing in detail is regulated by the contract. In simple terms, we can say that bug reports are divided into two groups:

    The first - subject to warranty. These tasks are carried out free of charge.

    The second - not subject to warranty. The source of these tasks is Time and Material or Fixed Price tasks, where the warranty has lapsed. However, we emphasize that any of our customers can extend the system warranty without time limitation for the fee indicated in the Contract.

  • The intention is to give our customers a license unlimited in time and scope to develop the system themselves. However, for legal reasons (we recommend consulting with lawyers in this regard), we cannot specify the license as "unlimited" in the Agreement, so we used the distant term of 20 years.

  • By default, we host the system on our (or the customer's) servers at OVH, usually using Advanced-2 ( If you have your own machines with comparable technological parameters, we can also place the system on your servers.

  • We create local copies of the database twice daily, and once a day we perform a full backup of the entire system. The backups are encrypted and stored on Dropbox, where they are available for at least a year.

Why Cognize?

We are fully committed to taking responsibility for our clients' business. Our approach and efficiency build partnerships that we mutually appreciate.


We are committed to getting to know your needs thoroughly. That's why you can count on our full involvement from the first discussions, through the workshop with your team, to planning the project together. At each stage, you will be guided by the best specialists in your field in our country who are on our team.


We have an experienced, certified team and some implemented solutions for various industries. With more than 10 years of active presence in the market, we know how to do things right. That's why we recommend proven and effective solutions from the very beginning of project work.


Knowing your needs and purpose, we will select modern solutions accordingly. When creating B2B systems, we think ahead, thus leaving several possibilities for future development. The scaling of businesses through our implementations is confirmed by numerous case studies.

How does the inquiry proceed?

We are fully committed to taking responsibility for our clients' business. Our approach and efficiency build partnerships that we mutually appreciate.

Contact and talk about the project

Contact us and present your needs. We will gather all your requirements and together we will talk about your project (during a live meeting or via video calla).

Specification and planning

Together with you in a workshop at your company we will prepare the project specification. At the end of the meeting, documentation, a list of functionalities and a full project plan will be created.

Offer and implementation

Responding to the specification, we will present our offer. We will start the project implementation with a kick-off meeting, during which we will introduce the experts from the dedicated team, as well as the work schedule.

Let's talk about cooperation

We have completed 120+ projects

We are fully committed to taking responsibility for our clients' business. Our approach and efficiency build partnerships that we mutually appreciate.

Good Sockets
Liberty Motors
OVHClound partner Magento Developers
Clutch Top Developers
Google Partner eCommerce Developers

"Timeliness, flexibility, availability, professionalism (...)"

"In 2017 we started working with Cognize (KMK Group) on the system. BAST. Since then, the project has been developed and managed in an exemplary manner. The distinguishing features of Cognize's (KMK group) work are timeliness, flexibility, availability, professionalism and, most importantly, the ability to present complex programming solutions in an accessible form."

Zbigniew Mastek
President of the Management Board of Inter-Elektro

"I rate the relationship and management of the project very well."

"The team of Cognize (KMK Group) showed commitment and reliability, in the implementation they took the initiative, offering a non-standard approach with a focus on achieving our business goals. I rate the relationship and management of the project very well."

Paweł Dzięgielewski
Marketing Manager AmeriGas Polska Sp.z.o.o.

Do you have an idea, a ready-made specification, or a business need?

Write to us. We will contact you within 24 hours.