Customer: Łąki Kwietne

Scope: store design and implementation - Magento 2, web design and implementation, coordination/design management, corporate identity design, brand communication strategy

Flower meadow seed sales.
Design and implementation of a comprehensive solution on the web

Łąki Kwietne is a group of enthusiasts striving to restore Łąki Kwietne to the landscape of cities and villages in Poland. A number of benefits of floral meadows include cleaner air, expansion of pollinating insect populations, improved groundwater management, and more.

The goal of the project was to provide Łąki Kwietne with an entire digital infrastructure - a store and a website, along with the design of visual and marketing communications, which would result in increased scale and sales effectiveness.

Łąki Kwietne Presentation

Structure of digital solutions

The project included 3 main products as customer touchpoints. A store, a website, and a blog. Each of these solutions was designed with flexibility for future changes and self-editing by the Łąki Kwietne team.

The store was built on the Magento 2 platform.

Technologies used in the author's CMS: os: Debian, server: nginx, Front: Angular 8, API: NodeJS, JS, OAuth2, Winston, MongoDB, cache - none, Front template - React, Redux, Front prerender - Node, Puppeteer.

Łąki Kwietne Structure 

Do you have questions? Would you like to learn more about the offer?
Contact Michal.

Łąki Kwietne Card
Łąki Kwietne Letter
Łąki Kwietne Phone
Laurel Łąki Kwietne

Communication and visual identity

The visual identity and brand communication were based on the claim POWER OF SEED. The large, geometric typeface used in the logos placed on the labels is perfect for social media, where many buyers upload photos of purchased products - seed packets - to their profiles, increasing brand recognition. Surreal Illustrations explain the value of sowing Łąki Kwietne.

Łąki Kwietne Presentation 2


The store was created from scratch on the Magento 2 platform. A major challenge was to present the assortment in an understandable way. Hence the need to develop product names that explain the application; a calculator - a converter for the seeds ordered; a division into categories that meet the needs of the identified target groups; seeding instructions and many other elements that increase conversions.

Łąki Kwietne Devices

Let's talk about cooperation

Łąki Kwietne Laurel 2
Łąki Kwietne GIF
Łąki Kwietne Boxes
Łąki Kwietne Growth

Sales growth +275%

After the implementation of the new store, year-on-year sales growth is +275% (the starting point was monthly sales in excess of PLN 100,000).

Explore our selected projects - the largest dropshipping in its category in Poland.

BAST - a B2B system for the Inter-Elektro purchasing group.

THS - a powerful multi-channel and international sales system (Magento 2).

Kosmos Sklep - eCommerce of Burton's main distributor in Poland (Magento 2).

Łąki Kwietne - a comprehensive digital sales system. Branding + sales system (Magento 2).

Do you have an idea, a ready-made specification, or a business need?

Write to us. We will contact you within 24 hours.