Customer: Ostrowski Internet Commerce

Scope: development, branding, illustration, UX/UI, communications, marketing, design management, SEM

Case study: Ostrowski Handel Internetowy. Lighting and electrical market leader in Polish eCommerce

Ostrowski Handel Internetowy is a leader in the lighting and electrical market in Polish eCommerce. It is the owner of such online stores as,,,,
We started our cooperation in 2014, immediately embarking on programming work resulting in development and optimization. We also redesigned the interface based on then-current trends and UX / UI practices, developed a marketing communication strategy, and most importantly, implemented available analytical tools, SEO and took over running AdWords campaigns.

OHI Page Layout

Increase in efficiency of OHI stores
from 2015 to 2020

OHI Page Growth

Stable revenue for once failing platform

The sales performance of the platform, once in the midst of a looming bankruptcy crisis, regularly tops the ever-higher bar.

The stores are recording stable revenue growth of +40% year-on-year. In retrospect, we can say that the attitude and trust of the customer, with whom we have a true partnership, is most responsible for such significant business growth.

OHI Page Growth

PWA - more than 70% of web traffic comes from mobile devices

In our work on OHI stores, we went one step further than RWD. We turned a responsive website into a web app - a Progressive Web App. Studies show that a user using a smartphone spends significantly more time in native apps than on websites. Apps engage the user more, hence the use of PWA can increase conversion rates by up to 75%.


What does Progressive Web App mean in practice for OHI?

PWA checklist: RWD (Responsive Web Design), loading speed even on slow connections (such as 3G), fast and "seamless" response to user actions, such as switching screens, and the ability to add a shortcut to the start screen.

OHI Phone
OHI Devices

Do you have questions? Would you like to learn more about the offer?
Contact Michal.


We modified about 90% of the CMS functionality

The CMS of the store when we started cooperation was already developed, but outdated. Since we started working on the system handed over to us, we have managed to modify about 90% of the system's functionality.

These changes have been implemented over the past four years in a gradual and non-intrusive manner, and as a result, have had a positive impact on our client's performance.


Dedicated tools - Puchacz and Ceneo Analyzer

Puchacz - a system for automatic integration with suppliers, retrieves prices and inventories and updates them, and also informs when the price change is relatively large and requires user intervention.

Ceneo Analyzer- a system to monitor the prices of the competition through Ceneo API, compares and ranks a group of prices of other stores compared to the prices in the CMS, informs the user how he needs to change the margin value to make the sales price more competitive with other stores

OHI Ceneo

Advertising campaigns = ROI analysis. We scale advertising activities

With constant ROI analysis, we can successfully scale our high-profit advertising activities at the expense of less profitable investments.

The entire advertising activities of the store are constantly monitored. Not only in terms of meeting the planned budget or the number of transactions delivered. Together with OHI, we pay special attention to the real return on investment in paid outreach channels.

OHI Campaign

System architecture

The system is built with five servers communicating with each other. When a user accesses the store's website, the user's browser connects to the LB (Load Balancer) server, which redirects the user to one of the application servers (APP1, APP2). The choice of server is made based on the availability of services and the traffic the system is experiencing.

The application servers run programs that perform all calculations. The writing and reading from the database is realized (the database stands on the DB server), and the answer that the user sees in the browser is generated. The response is passed to the LB server, which returns it to the browser, which then displays it to the user. On the DEV, server there are development versions of stores, backup of application files, and database.

OHI Architecture

"The cooperation has resulted in our growth and stability (...)."

"The cooperation has resulted in our growth and stability, and the very form of business relations based on mutual trust is increasingly rare today, yet extremely effective."

Roman Ostrowski
President of the Management Board of Ostrowski Internet Commerce

Explore our selected projects - the largest dropshipping in its category in Poland.

BAST - a B2B system for the Inter-Elektro purchasing group.

THS - a powerful multi-channel and international sales system (Magento 2).

Kosmos Sklep - eCommerce of Burton's main distributor in Poland (Magento 2).

Łąki Kwietne - a comprehensive digital sales system. Branding + sales system (Magento 2).

Do you have an idea, a ready-made specification, or a business need?

Write to us. We will contact you within 24 hours.