Rebranding - KMK group is "Cognize" from now on.

Technology providers are in abundance. However, those who can not only prove the system, but also provide multifaceted business advice are few.

Understanding the needs of SME segment companies in the context of digitization is a unique skill. When implementing a B2B or B2B and B2C e-commerce system, it is necessary to understand not only the needs of the client itself, but also the behavior of the target users, the architecture of the systems present in the organization and many other, often soft issues that cannot be captured in a brief. All of this makes it more important today than ever to truly know your needs.

For a decade now, as the KMK Group, we have been supporting our clients in this, so we have specialized in technology consulting for business. It's high time to clearly emphasize the path we have traveled and broadly present our services under a new brand. Meet Cognize.


Initially, like most companies founded by people right out of college - we performed a wide range of "interactive agency" services. From websites, branding, marketing activities, research work, mobile applications, online stores, dedicated systems. All with the support of the best people we were able to invite to the Team.

Dynamic growth

The focus on the quality of the implemented projects paid off quickly. Our clients recorded increases, and we grew with them. Dynamic growth allowed us to execute larger and larger projects. Our clients' success stories also fueled our growth. The combination of the skills of my brother and partner Mark, who oversaw the technology part, with my design and strategic competencies worked best in the world of e-commerce, and we built on this for our Clients' successes.

About 5 years ago, most of our projects were B2C and B2B e-commercials. Since then, a number of experiences gathered during the implementation of systems allowed us to narrow our specialization and from a subcontractor we became business partners for our clients.


Today, with the support of a Team of more than 30 people, we implement B2B and B2C e-commerce systems projects.

To our knowledge, we are the only such precisely specialized entity in Poland that provides consulting and implementation services for e-commerce and B2B systems. We are one company that connects:

  • Consulting resulting from an understanding of the client's needs and business. This is achieved through the participation of experienced consultants - who have experience as e-commerce managers - in projects;

  • We implement open source systems (mainly Magento), without Vendor Lock with the participation of the best experts in the country;

  • We specialize in companies in technical industries that have a large or complex product catalog, providing sales on the borderline between B2B and B2C.

Recognize the needs

"We want to make a B2B system. "or "We want to create a B2B/B2C e-commerce system." These are the most common words at the beginning of the requests for proposals we've been receiving for several years. Teams that have engineers on board are plentiful. However, what should you follow when choosing a contractor?

  • Top technology specialists.

  • The company's narrow specialization and completed similar projects.

  • Experienced advisor.

U podstaw każdego projektu leży rozpoznanie <ang> re-cognize potrzeb. Rozpoznanie modelu biznesowego, architektury systemów, potrzeb użytkowników, potrzeb klientów, strategii wzrostu, dostępnych i dopasowanych technologii.


While working on the rebranding, we thought about who we are. We gave voice to our clients - they were the ones who said that "recognition" was our strongest point.

The new brand, under which we operate from today, is a promise that we will be the best in the market to recognize and advise on the direction your business should take. We will not only implement B2B and e-commerce systems, but will support you effectively in the development of your business.

Changes in the Team

Rebranding is also the moment when there are changes in the structure of the Team. Wojtek Zarzeka and Adam Iwaniszyn, who had become key people in the development, entered the role of Partners in the company. We will write more about this soon on LinkedIn.

Meanwhile, get to know us anew, read about realized projects, let's talk about developing your business together.


Pre-implementation analysis for eCommerce - what is it and why should it be conducted?